Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) will hold a seminar on the latest issues of digital media, Automation technology, and the development of smart city, namely The 4th International Conference on New Media (CONMEDIA 2017) & 2017 International Conference on Smart Cities, Automation & Intelligent Computing Systems (ICON-SONICS 2017). CONMEDIA and ICON-SONICS were established as a forum to form international network in order to help researchers, both from foreign affairs and Indonesia in disseminating research results in the international framework.
CONMEDIA 2017 & ICON-SONICS 2017 is scheduled in three days at Santika Premiere Jogja Hotel, Yogyakarta in November 2017. Every submitted and accepted papers have to be presented. The papers will be submitted to the network of IEEExplore with SCOPUS indexed journal.
For further information please visit and contact the following link:
CONMEDIA 2017 : http://conmedia.umn.ac.id or email: [email protected]