Institute of Research and Community Services Brawijaya University (LPMM) Brawijaya University was formed on May 13th, 2008 under The Rector’s Directive Number : 122A/SK/2008 on Research Institution, Merger with Institute of Community Services (LPM) Brawijaya University in order to become Institute of Research and Community Services Brawijaya University.
The following are the history of Establishment of Research Institute and Institute of Community Services Brawijaya University.
A. History of Research Institute (LEMLIT) from 1978-2008
Research Institute of Brawijaya University was one of the Institutions in Brawijaya University since 1978 under the Brawijaya University Rector’s Directive Number. 018/SKEP/1978 on February 8th, 1978 and Ir. Baskoro Winarno (Vice Rector, Academic) as Ad Interim of Director in Research Institute and Herman Soesangobeng, SH as Secretary.
In 1979, Rector of Brawijaya University issued Directive Number 003/SKEP/1979 of January 15th, 1979 on refinement of organization and personnel in Village Community Empowerment Study Center of Brawijaya University. This directive was issued since the improvement of the works in Village Community Empowerment Study Center of Brawijaya University. It made the development of organization and personnel based on Rector’s Directive Number. 018/SKEP/1978 became compulsory. It stated that the Head of Village Community Empowerment Study Center of Brawijaya University is Ir. Iman Sutrisno and Mukti Arsyad, SH. as secretary/treasurer.
To fully maximize the function of LEMLIT of Brawijaya University, it was needed to hire a new Chief because in the moment LEMLIT was led by Vice Rector of Academic (PR 1) simultaneously. That was why Rector of Brawijya University issued a directive Number 020/SKEP/1979 on May 17, 1979 about hiring Herman Soesangobeng, SH as the Head of Research Institute.
Brawijaya University as the scientific institute cannot be separated from its responsibility for the environment that becomes a National problem. It was why Brawijaya University needed to establish Environmental Study Center (PSLH) in Brawijaya University. Under this circumstance, the Rector issued directive number. . 069A/SKEP/1979 on October 20th, 1979 that focus on developing PSLH of Brawijaya University by hiring A. Masyhur Effendi, SH as the Head, dr. Agus Djamhuri as the Vice Head, and Herman Soesangobeng, SH as the secretary.
Then in 1980 there was the replacement of the organizational structure and personnel with the issuance PSLH UB Rector’s Directive Number 019 /SKEP/1980 April 7th, 1980 that was done by doing the cancellation of Rector’s Directive Number. 069A / SKEP / 1979. This directive pointing out that Ir. Faith Soetrisno was inaugurated as Chairman of PSLH, Ir. Suntoyo M.Agr. as Vice Chairman and Ir. Timothy Hartono, MPA as Secretary. PSLH was divided into two (2) areas, they were Management of Natural Resources and Environment, chaired by Ir. Abdul Aziz Hussein and Management of Settlement and Cultural Affairs, chaired by Abdul Moekti Arsyad, SH.
Furthermore, PP (Government Regulation) Number 5 of 1980 about basics of the Organization/State Institute was issued, Rector of the Brawijaya University need to improve Brawijaya University’s organizational structure according to applicable regulations. That was why the Rector issued Directive number 075/SK/1981 November 7th, 1981 on the Organizational Structure and Personnel of Brawijaya University. One of the points stated that the Research Institute was led by Drs. Taher Alhabsyi and A. Mukti Arsyad, SH. was the secretary and they have 4 Research Center, they were :
- Research Center of Environment and Natural Resource (Chaired by Ir. Iman Soetrisno);
- Research Center of Tuber Corps (Chaired by: Prof.Dr.H. Soetono M, Agr.);
- Research Center of Population (Chaired by Drs. Moch. Saleh);
- Research Center of Cooperative (Chaired by Drs. Soeradi Martowidjoyo, MS).
After the enactment of Presidential Decree Number 59 of 1982 on the organizational structure of Brawijaya Universty, the Rector re-conducted the improvement of the organizational structures of the Brawijaya University which one of them was the issuance of Directive Number 64/SK/82 of October 29th, 1982 that pointed out the inauguration of Dr. Saleh Syafradji as the Head of Research Center of Brawijaya University, the position that previously was held by Drs. Taher Alhabsyi. The Position held by Dr. Saleh Syafradji did not last long enough as he had to move to Jakarta. This condition made the rector to choose Dr. Ir. Iksan Semaoen as Ad Interim of Head of Research Center under the Rector’s Directive Number . 054/SK/1983 of September 24th, 1983.
In 1985, Rector of Brawijaya University under the Rector’s Directive Number 071/SK/1985 of 6th September of 1985 to establish The Development Center of Social Science in Brawijaya University that chaired by Dr. Achmad Hidayat, The Vice was Ir. Noegroho, and the Secretary was Drs. Maryunani. Then in 1986 I Nyoman Nurjaya, SH, MS was inducted to be the Chairman following the resignation of dr. Achmad Hidayat. Regarding that, Rector’s Directive Number 047/SK/1986 of July 31st, 1986 was issued.
In 1988, Rector of Brawijaya University released the Decree Number 050/SK/1988 on July 30th, 1988 for supporting the duties and activities of UB Research Center. Rector appointed staff and coordinator for research group at UB Research Center as follows:
- The Staff of Research Planning and Affiliation Department was Dr. Ir. Moch. Munir;
- The Satff of Documentation was Drs. Mardiyono, MPA;
- The Coordinator of Women’s Studies Research Group was Dr. Ir. Hesti Wijaya
In 1989, Rector of Brawijaya University formed Implementation Team Interdisciplinary Research (INRES) Project of Brawijaya University to support the implementation of INRES Project which was the collaboration between Brawijaya University and NUFFIC. The Steering Committee of this project was DR. Ir. M. Iksan Semaoen, M.Sc, who already became the head of Resarch Center of Brawijaya University. In 1997, Project INRES was dissolved and all assets/goods inventory from the former INRES project assets transferred into the Rural Regional Development Research Center and every business was carried out by the Institute of Research. This was enlisted on the Brawijaya University Rector’s Directive Number. 037 / SK / 1997 on April 28th 1997.
In 1991 Rector of Brawijaya University inducted Dr Ir. Soemarno, MS as the Coordinator of the Research Group on Rural Industrialization Research Center by issuing the directive Number 044 / SK / 1991 of June 22th , 1991.
In 1994 Dr. Ir. H.M. Iksan Semaoen, M.Sc. Head of the Research Center of Brawijaya University was appointed as Ad Interim of Director of the Graduate Program in Brawijaya University, and Dr.Ir. Luqman Hakim, MS as Ad Interim of Head of the Research Center of Brawijaya University by issuing Directive Number 088/SK/1994 of November 2nd , 1994 and appointed Dr. Ir. Mochammad Munir, MS as Secretary of the Research Center of UB by issuing Directive Number 089 / SK / 1994 of November 2nd, 1994.
After that, Research Center converted to Research Center of UB under the Rector’s Directive Number 09/SK/1996 of February 15th, 1996 which was based on Government Regulation No. 30, 1990 of July 10th, 1990 on Higher Education, Kepmendikbud (Decision of Ministry of Education and Culture) No. 0444/0/1992 of November 18th , 1992 on the Statute of the Brawijaya University and No. 0197/0/1995 of July 18th,1995 on the Organization and Work of UB, which had the point to honorably discharged Dr. Ir. Luqman Hakim, MS and Dr. Ir. Mochammad Munir, MS., Respectively as Chief and Secretary of Brawijaya University ‘s Research Center and appointed Dr. Ir. Luqman Hakim, MS and Dr. Ir. Mochammad Munir, MS respectively as Chairman and Secretary of the Research Institute of the Brawijaya University.
After the issuance of the Rector’s Directive above, then Rector of Brawijaya University also issued Rector’s Directive Number. 030/SK/1996 of 10th April, 1996 which essentially dissolved all Research Center/Study existing and established these following Official Centers which were under the supervision of Brawijaya University’s Research Institute::
- Research Center of Environment – Pusat Penelitian Lingkungan Hidup (PPLH);
- Research Center of Population – Pusat Penelitian Kependudukan (PPK);
- Research Center of Development of Rural Areas – Pusat Penelitian Pembangunan Wilayah Pedesaan (PPPWP);
- Research Center of Social Science – Pusat Penelitian Ilmu Sosial (PPIS);
- Research Center of Women Empowerment – Pusat Penelitian Peran Wanita (PPPW).
In order to improve the results of research related to the increase in the dignity of traditional food, in 1997 Traditional Food Studies Center (PKMT) was formed under the Brawijaya University Rector’s Directive Number. 11A/SK/1997 of March 1st, 1997.
Based on Government Regulation Number 60 of 1999 Article 43 that: Research Institute is Implementation elements in Brawijaya University that has the function to coordinate, monitor and assess the implementation of research activities conducted by the Research Center and also simultaneously manage and control the administration of the resources required.
Research Institute was formed because it has already fulfilled the administration requirements, which are: at least there are 4 (four) Research Institute, while Brawijaya University has already had 5 (five) Official Center and 1 (one) Studies Center, They were :
- Research Center of Environment – Pusat Penelitian Lingkungan Hidup (PPLH);
- Research Center of Population – Pusat Penelitian Kependudukan (PPK);
- Research Center of Development of Rural Areas – Pusat Penelitian Pembangunan Wilayah Pedesaan (PPPWP);
- Research Center of Social Science – Pusat Penelitian Ilmu Sosial (PPIS);
- Research Center of Women Empowerment – Pusat Penelitian Peran Wanita (PPPW);
- Research Center of Traditional Food – Pusat Kajian Makanan Tradisional (PKMT).
The Head of Research Institute from the period of 1999 – 2003 was :
Chairman | : | Prof. Luqman Hakim |
Secretary | : | Prof. Moch. Munir |
The Head of Research Institute from the period of 2004 – 2008 was :
Chairman | : | Prof. Moch. Munir |
Under the Rector’s Directive number 022A/SK/2004 of March 1st, 2004. | ||
Secretary | : | Prof. I.N.G. Wardana |
Under the Rector’s Directive number 025/SK/2004 of March 10th, 2004 |
For the last period of 2004, Prof. Dr Ir. H. Mochammad Munir, MS, the Chairman of the Research Institute of Brawijaya University was appointed as Ad Interim of Director of Research and Community Services in Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education under the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Indonesia’s Directive Number: 109/MPN.A4/KP/2004 of 31st August, 2004. He replaced Prof. Dr Ir. H. Dodi Nandika, MS. which has been designated as Head of Research and Development of Department of National Education.
B. The History of The Institution of Community Services / Lembaga Pengabdian Masyarakat-LPM (1973 – 2008).
The community service activities in Brawijaya University started in 1973. Only a few teachers were involved in the activities back then, especially in cooperation activity with other institutions as well as in community service activity, which is the student’s activity in helping people in rural areas. In 1975, the bureau of community services / Biro Pengabdian Masyrakat was established due to the increased interest of this activity (community service) in accordance with the rector’s directive Number . 048/SK/1975.
On February 8, 1978, the institution of community services / Lembaga Pengabdian Masyarakat dan KKN of Brawijaya University was established in accordance with the Rector’s directive number 018/SKEP/1978. This institution was led by :
Director | : | M. Kafrawi, SH. |
Secretary | : | Drs. M. Widji Widodo. |
On April 28, 1979, the status of this institution was based on the rector’s directive Number 018/SKEP/1979, which coordinated the implementation of community service activity by the teachers and students. The directors leading on that time were replaced by :
The Chief Director | : | Prof. H.M. Hasyim Baisoeni |
Secretary | : | Drs. Samlawi Azhari, MS. |
On December 27 1990, the rector of Brawijaya University issued the directive Number No. 102/SK/1990, which is about Dr. Ir. Haryono taking over the position as the daily executive of the community service center / Pusat Pengabdian Masyarakat. In 1993, this institution had its directors changed to be :
The chief | : | Prof. Thantawi AS |
Secretary | : | Dr. Haryono |
In accordance with the ministerial decree number 30 in 1990, since February 15 1996, based on the rector’s directive Number 08/SK/1996, the status of community service center / Pusat Pengabdian Masyarakat was changed to be the institution of community services / Lembaga Pengabdian Masyarakat. Moreover, the promulgation of the ministerial decree Number 60 in 1999 strengthened the status of this institution; the status changed to be the executive in the university environment on holding any community service activity. The leaders on the institution were as follows :
The Head | : | Prof. Thantawi AS |
Secretary | : | Dr. Suharyono |
In 1999, the leaders of the institution were again replaced :
The Head | : | Prof. Syamsul Bahri. |
Secretary | : | Prof. Bambang Suharto. |
In 2007, Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Suharto, MS was inaugurated to be the assistant rector I of Brawijaya University so that on May 2 2007, the rector issued the directive Number 194/SK/2007 about the new secretary :
Secretary | : | Prof. Siti Chuzaemi |
To be the definitive daily executives of this institution in the period of May 2 2007 to March 10 2008.
C. The History of The Institution of Research and Community Services since 2008 – present
In order to improve the coordination and synchronization of the tasks and functions of LPPM, the research institution (LEMLIT) and the institution of Community Services (LPPM) of Brawijaya University should be incorporated to be the institution of Research and Community Services of Brawijaya University (LPPM-UB).
- 2008 – 2014
In the period 2008 – 2014, LPPM was led by:
The Head | : | Prof. Dr. Ir. Siti Chuzaemi, MS. |
Secretary | : | Dr. Multifiah, SE., MS. |
During this period, the Chair of the LPPM was assisted by a Secretary and 2 Deputy Chairmen, namely the Deputy Chair for Research and the Deputy Chair for Community Service. In the administration sector, there were the Head of Administration and 4 Heads of Sub-Sections, namely the Head of the General Sub-Section, the Head of the Finance Sub-Section, the Head of the Program Sub-Section, and the Head of the Data Sub-Section.
- 2014 – 2018
Based on UB Rector’s Decree No. 614/SK/2013, LPPM was led by:
The Head | : | Prof. Dr. Ir. Woro Busono, MS. |
Secretary | : | Dr. Ir. Maftuch, M.Si |
To perform his duties, the Chairman of the LPPM coordinated with a Secretary and 2 Heads of Division consisting of the Head of the Research Division and the Head of the Community Service Division. There was also a Head of Administration who supervised 3 Heads of Subdivisions, namely the General Subdivision, Finance Subdivision, and Program Subdivision.
- 2018 – 2022
LPPM leaders for the period 2018 to 2022 are as follows:
The Head | : | Dr. Ir. Bambang Susilo, M.Sc.Agr. |
Secretary | : | Dodi Wirawan Irawanto, S.E., M.Com., Ph.D. |
The LPPM organizational structure during this period, the Chair of the LPPM was assisted by a Secretary and 3 Chairs of Functional Position Groups (KKJF), namely KKJF Research, KKJF Community Service, and KKJF Quality Assurance Research and Community Service. In the administrative service, there was an Administration Section Coordinator who led 3 Subdivision Sub-Coordinators, namely the General, Program, and Data and Information Subdivisions.
- 2022 – 2023
On October 18, 2021, UB officially received new status as a Legal Entity State University (PTNBH). This change in status was stipulated through the Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation 108 Year 2021 regarding State Universities as Legal Entities, Universitas Brawijaya. Brawijaya University’s change from Public Service Agency (BLU) status to Legal Entity State University (PTNBH) also brought changes to the Organization and Work Procedures (OTK) of elements under the Rector. Changes in the Organizational Structure (OTK) of Brawijaya University were regulated through Brawijaya University Rector’s Regulation Number 93 Year 2021, issued on December 28, 2021. This regulation brought changes to the LPPM coordination structure, which previously was directly responsible to the Rector and moved under the coordination of the Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation.
In 2022, Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Susilo, M.Sc.Agr. as the LPPM Chairman, was appointed as the Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation. Based on the Rector Decree of Brawijaya University Number 6 Year 2022 dated January 3, 2022, regarding the First Appointment of Officials Under the Rector, The Chairman, and Secretary of the LPPM for the period of January 3, 2022, to February 3, 2023, as follows:
The Head | : | Prof. Luchman Hakim, S.Si., M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D. |
Secretary | : | Dodi Wirawan Irawanto, S.E., M.Com., Ph.D. |
In the initial period, the change in UB’s status as PTNBH brought many changes to the organizational structure of LPPM. During this period, the Chair of the LPPM was assisted by a Secretary and 5 (five) Center Chairs, namely the Chair of the Research Center, Chair of the Center for Community Service, Chair of the Center for Quality Assurance for Research and Community Service, Chair of the Center for Scientific Publications, and Chair of the Center for Journal Resilience. Apart from that, there is a Head of Administration who leads 3 (three) sub-sectors, namely the Program Sub-sector, General Sub-sector, and Data and Information Sub-sector.
- 2023 – 2024
With the end-term period of Officials under the Rector, there had been another change in the LPPM structure. On February 6, 2023, through the Rector Decree of Universitas Brawijaya Number 257 of 2023 regarding the Appointment of Officials Under the Rector, the board of LPPM during the period February 6, 2023, to February 5, 2025, was the following:
The Head | : | Prof. Luchman Hakim, S.Si., M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D. |
Secretary | : | Dodi Wirawan Irawanto, S.E., M.Com., Ph.D. |
Due to the new OTK changes, the LPPM organizational structure has changed with the merger of two centers under the LPPM, namely the Center of Scientific Publications and the Center of Journals to be the Center for Scientific Publications and Journals. Apart from that, in the administrative sector, the position of Head of the Administrative Division was abolished, so administrative affairs were managed by 3 Subdivision Heads, namely the Head of the General Subdivision, the Head of the Program Subdivision, and the Head of the Data and Information Subdivision.
D. History of the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DRPM) from 2024 – now
To actualize the acceleration, effectiveness, and efficiency in running the University, Universitas Brawijaya has reorganized its structure and work procedures of the officials under the Rector. Starting on March 1, 2024, the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) changed its nomenclature to the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DRPM). The change was imposed under the Rector’s Regulation Number 21 Year 2024 regarding the Second Amendment to Rector’s Regulation Number 12 Year 2023 regarding the Organization and Work Procedures of Officials Under the Rector.
Based on the Rector Decree of Brawijaya University Number 3131 Year 2024 regarding the Reappointment of Officials Under the Rector for the 2024-2025 interim period, the DRPM board is as follows:
Director | : | Prof. Luchman Hakim, S.Si., M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D. |
Secretary | : | Prof. Dodi Wirawan Irawanto, S.E., M.Com., Ph.D. |
The Directorate of Research and Community Service (DRPM) oversees the Secretary, Research Center, Center for Community Service, Center for Scientific Publications and Journals, Center for Quality Assurance for Research and Community Service, and Functional Position Groups. DRPM is led by a Director responsible to the Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation and is assisted by a Secretary to perform his duties. The DRPM Secretary is in charge of the General Subdivision, Program Subdivision, Data and Information Subdivision, and Functional Position Groups.