The Directorate of Research and Community Engagement (DRPM) at the University of Brawijaya has study and service centers with specialized functions, each headed by its leader. The head of the DRPM research center oversees the study centers, while the head of the community service center is responsible for the service centers.

Service Center

1. Innovation & Appropriate Technology Service Center (TTG) 

The Innovation & Technology Service Center has the task of carrying out marketing management, project management, contract and license management, financial management, and administration of the Innovation & Technology Service Center.

The TTG Service Center provides services in the following areas:

  1. Planning and marketing of technology services
  2. Implementing contract and licensing matters
  3. Business development for technology services
  4. Managing receipts, verifications, financing, and financial reporting
  5. Administrative affairs

2. Student Community Service Center (KKN)

The Student Community Service Center (KKN) at the University of Brawijaya has the following objectives:

  1. Facilitating the interdisciplinary KKN Program for students from multiple faculties
  2. Fostering collaboration between DRPM UB and stakeholders (government, private sector, and community) to improve the quality of human resources
  3. Assisting UB’s partner villages/sub-districts and stakeholders in implementing research and technology results

3. Community Development and Empowerment Service Center (P4M)

Community Development and Empowerment Service Center (P4M) aims to facilitate community members to independently improve and engage in various productive activities. The program targets community groups with existing productive businesses or initiatives to support economic development. P4M’s programs and activities focus on various productive business fields owned by small and medium enterprises and provide services to support business incubation. P4M offers services in the following areas:

  1. Community Empowerment Synergy (Simbermas), focusing on developing community potential in cooperation with local governments to enhance community capabilities and empowerment
  2. Business Incubator
  3. Rural Financial Development Program (P2KP) Grameen Bank’s system, which assists housewives in starting side businesses to improve the local economy.


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