Research and Community Services
1. 01.01. Human Resources and Quality Assurance
2. 01.02 Internal Reviewer Recruitment
3. 01.03. Proposal Desk Evaluation
4. 01.04. Proposal Discussion Seminar
5. 01.05. Winner Determination
6. 01.06. Research Contract
7. 01.07. Internal Monitoring and Evaluation
8. 01.08. Result Seminar for Internal Research and Community Service
9. 01.09. Research and Community Service Final Report
10. 01.10. Output Review
11. 01.11. Training
12. 01.12. Reward Procedure
13. 01.13. Research and Community Service Management in SIPP
14. 01.14. Perception Equation for Reviewer
15. 01.15. Administrative Evaluation
16. 01.16. Substantial Evaluation
17. 01.17. Progress Report
18. 01.18. Punishment Procedure
19. 01.19. Procedure for Management of Nonconforming
20. 01.20. Composing Performance Report
1. 02.01. Promoting Cooperation between the University and Industry/Agency
  Data and Information
1. 03.01 Data Processing
2. 03.02 Data Request Handling
3. 03.03 Website Content Updates
4. 03.04 Performance Data Withdrawal
  General Affairs and Finance
1. 04.01. Delivery of Funds
2. 04.03. E Complaint
3. 04.04. Submitting Journal Manuscript
4. 04.05 PManagement of Study Center and Service Center
5. 04.06 Program and Budget Planning
6. 04.07 SOP Pengolahan Arsip Inaktif
7. 04.08 SOP Pemusnahan Arsip Dinamis Inaktif
8. 04.09 SOP Pemusnahan Dupilkasi Arsip
9. 04.10 SOP Peminjaman dan Pengembalian Arsip Dinamis
Study Center and Service Center
1. 05.01. Establishment of Study Center and Service Center
2. 05.02 Appointment of the Center Members
3. 05.03. Performance Contract
5. 05.05. Monitoring and Evaluation
6. 05.06. Closure and Elimination of Study Center
Scientific Publication
1. 06.01. Application for Scientific Publication Incentives