A. U P T
1. Reconceptualization of State Financial Law to Reach Harmonious and synchronization to Avoid and Eradicate Corruption in The Management of BUMN/BUMD Dr. Nurini Aprilianda, SH., M.Hum. Law
Dhiana Puspitawati, SH., LLM., Ph.D. Law
Adi Kusumaningrum, SH., MH. Law
2. Role Model Evaluation of The forum on Religious Harmony (FKUB) in Religious Conflict Management at Local Level (Case study of The East Java Province) Dr. Bambang Sugiri, SH. MS. Law
Dr. M. Ali Safa’at, SH. MH. Law
Muktiono, SH. MPhil. Law
Ratih DP. Hitaningtyas, SH. LLM. Law
3. Renewal Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises (UMKM) Law in East Java to Reach Higher Level of Empowerment and Competitiveness in ASEAN Market Dr. Sihabudin, SH., MH. Law
Dr. Sukarmi, SH, MH Law
Siti Hamidah, SH, MM Law
Adi Kusumaningrum, SH, MH Law
4. Reconstruction of the Setting of Corporate Criminal Liability in Indonesia Constitutionals Dr. Ismail Navianto, SH. MH. Law
Alfons Zakaria, SH., LLM. Law
5. Access Control Based Alternate Corporate Social Responsibility Model Engineering as an Instrument to solve a Dispute of Plantation Area Dr. Istislam SH.,M.Hum Law
Abdul Madjid, SH., MH Law
Imam Koeswahyono, SH., Mhum Law
Dr. Shinta Hadiyantina,SH., MH Law
6. Development of Deradicalization Program Development Model in Indonesia: Integrated Alternative Models for Terrorism Inmates as a Prevention and Eradication of Crime Setyo Widagdo, SH., MHum Law
Milda Istiqomah SH.MTCP Law
Hikmatul Ula, SH.MKn Law
7. Crime Act Construction of Article 55 and Article 56 of Law No. 5 In 2011 of Public Accountant (Perception Study and Attitude of Public Accountant) Setiawan Noerdajasakti, SH. MH. Law
Dr. Nurini Aprilianda, SH. MH. Law
Faizin Sulistio, SH. LLM. Law
8. Disclose an Politic Corruption in the Implementation of Asymmetric Decentralization in Special
Provinces in Indonesia (Alternative Engineering Model)
Dr. M. Fadli, SH., MH. Law
Dr. Jazim Hamidi., SH., MH Law
Fachrizal Afandi, S.Psi., SH., MH Law
Joko Purnomo, S.IP., MA Social Sciences and Political Sciences
B. B O P T N
1. Model Engineering of Food Security in Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises (UMKM) for Asset Based Community Development of Oyster Mushroom to Face Asean Free Trade Area (AFTA) Setiawan Wicaksono, SH, M.Kn Law
Imam Koeswahyono, SH., M.Hum Law
Dony Aditya Prasetyo, SH., MH Law
2. Legal safeguards at Intellectual Property Rights of Traditional Knowledge of Batik Tulis Malang (Juridical Studies on the Role of Kota Malang Government in Protecting Batik Tulis Malang) Yenny Eta Widyanti, SH, M.Hum Law
Yuliati, SH., LLM. Law


A. U P T
1. Export Products Competitiveness Development Strategy in Terms of Implementing ASEAN+3 Free Trade Area Setyo Tri Wahyudi, SE., M.Ec., Ph.D Economics and Business
Dr. Ghozali Maski, SE., MS Economics and Business
Supartono, SE., SU Economics and Business
2. People’s Behavior Towards Innovation and Creativity of the Processed Product of Salak Swaru (Case Study of Salak Swaru Female Farmers at Desa Wonokerto, Kecamatan Bantur, Kabupaten Malang) Dr. Nur Khusniyah Indrawati, SE., M.Si Economics and Business
Dr. Multifiah, SE, MS. Economics and Business
Sri Muljaningsih,SE., MSP. Economics and Business
3. Development Model of Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises Through Dynamic and Integrated Clustering Approach Arif Hoetoro SE., MT., PhD Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Prof. Dr. Munawar Ismail, SE., DEA. Economics and Business
Dr. Ir. Imam Santoso, MP. Economics and Business
Dr. Ir. Maftuch, M.Si. Fisheries and Marine Sciences


A. U P T
1. Potential Implementation of Community Based Marketing to Improve the Economic Sector of East Java Province Dr. Srikandi Kumadji, MS Administrative Sciences
Dr. Andriani Kusumawati, S.Sos., M.Si Administrative Sciences
Devi Farah Azizah, S.Sos., MAB Administrative Sciences
2. The Role of Green Management to Create Sustainable Performance for Small, Medium Enterprises (Case Study at UKM Cokelat Monggo Yogyakarta) Dr. Kusdi Rahardjo, DEA Administrative Sciences
Arik Prasetya, S.Sos., M.Si., Ph.D Administrative Sciences
Rosalita Rachma Agusti, SE., MSA. Administrative Sciences
3. Strategy of Economic Creative Sector Governance to Encourage the Economic Development and Local Business Prof. Dr.Sumartono, MS. Administrative Sciences
Prof.Dr.Soesilo Zauhar, M.S Administrative Sciences
Dr. Hermawan, SIP, M.Si Administrative Sciences
4. Model of Marketing Innovation for Traditional Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises (UMKM) at Kabupaten Bondowoso Dr. Mochammad Al Musadieq, MBA Administrative Sciences
Drs. Topowijono, M.Si Administrative Sciences
5. Innovation and Knowledge as A Means to become a Successful UMKM Dr. Moch. Dzulkirom AR Administrative Sciences
Mohammad Iqbal, S.Sos., MIB., Ph.D Administrative Sciences
Rosalita Rachma Agusti, SE., MSA., Ak Administrative Sciences
6. Regional Innovation System to Achieve Optimum Benefit in UMKM Sector to improve the Competitiveness of UKM (Case study Food Industry at Kota/Kab Malang, Kab Sidoarjo, Kab Gresik by Using Dynamic System Approach) Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS Administrative Sciences
Drs. Wilopo, MAB Administrative Sciences
Trisnawati, S.Sos, M.AP Administrative Sciences
7. Design and Analysis of Marketing Information System to Improve the Superior Competing of UMKM at East Java (Design of Marketing Information System Apllication) Prof. Dr. Endang Siti Astuti, M.Si Administrative Sciences
Dr. Hamidah Nayati Utami, M.Si Administrative Sciences
Drs. Riyadi, M.Si Administrative Sciences
Anni Rahimah, S.AB., M.AB Administrative Sciences
8. Model Engineering of Anti-Corruption in the Management of Regional Owned Enterprises Dr. Imam Hanafi, S.Sos., M.Si Administrative Sciences
Dr. Mohammad Khusaini SE., M.Si. MA Economics and Business
Dr. Tjahjanulin Domai, MS Administrative Sciences
B. B O P T N
1. Development of Current Base English Subject Textbook for Business Administration Study Program Aulia Luqman Aziz, S.S., S.Pd., M.Pd. Administrative Sciences
2. The Role of Green Management to Create Sustainable Performance for Small, Medium Enterprises Edlyn Khurotul Aini, SAB, MAB, MBA. Administrative Sciences
3. Implementation of Good Governance in Female Overseas Migrant Workers Placement Dr. Dra. Lely Indah Mindarti, M.Si. Administrative Sciences
Dr. Siti Rochmah, M.Si Administrative Sciences


A. U P T
1. The Potential Improvement of Soybean Production by Transformation of Genes Inorganic Carbon Transporter (ictB), Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase (PEPC) and Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase (PCK) Prof.Ir. Liliek Sulistyowati Agriculture
Prof.Dr.Ir Bambang Guritno Agriculture
Mochammad Roviq, SP, MP Agriculture
2. Phytopthora Infestans Resistant of Molecularly Assemble of Potatoes Variety Dr. Ir. Syamsuddin Djauhari, MS Agriculture
Prof.Dr.Liliek Sulistyowati, PhD Agriculture
Dr. Istiyono Kirnoprasetyo, SP.,MP. Univ. Wisnu Wardhana
Mochammad Roviq, SP.MP Agriculture
3. Utilization of Local Soybean Waste’s Bioactive Compound to Improve the Production of Meat and Vegetables in an Integrated Farming system Prof. Dr. Tatiek Wardiyati, MS Agriculture
Dr. Ir. Sri Minarti, MS Animal Husbandry
Dr. Ir. Retno Suntari, MS Agriculture
Dr.Ir.Nur Hidayat, MS Agricultural Technology
4. The Improvement of Curcumin Rhizome Levels of Two Excellence UB Ginger Through Dose Elements N K Application and Cropping Pattern Dr. Ir. Ellis Nihayati, MS Agriculture
Wisnu Eko Murdiono, SP.,MP. Agriculture
Nur Azizah, SP.MP Agriculture
5. Selection of F3 Population Family of Bacteria Wilt and Bacteria Resistant Chili with High Yield Potential Ir. Respatijarti, MS Agriculture
Dr. Darmawan Saptadi, MS Agriculture
Izmi Yulianah, SP., M.Si Agriculture
6. Response of Hope Wheat Strain on Protein Content and Carbohydrate Over Ammonium Implementation Dr.agr. Nunun Barunawati, SP., MP Agriculture
Dr.Ir. Dawam Maghfur, MS. Agriculture
Niken Kendarini, SP., M.Si. Agriculture
7. Engineering of Competitiveness Improvement in Agricultural Cooperation based on Agro-Preneur Human Resource Dr. Ir. Suhartini, MP. Agriculture
Dr. Ir. Bambang Ali Nugroho, MS., DAA. Animal Husbandry
Dr. Ir. Djohar Noeriati Retno Dahoelat, MP. Univ. Wisnu Wardhana
Fahriyah, SP., M.Si Agriculture
8. Production System, Availability and Distribution of Rice Seeds in East Java: Industrial Organization Approach Dr. Ir. Rini Dwiastuti, MS Agriculture
Tri Wahyu Nugroho, SP., MP. Agriculture
Riyanti Isaskar, SP., M.Si Agriculture
Nur Baladina, SP., MP. Agriculture
9. Improvement Policy of Agricultural Production Efficiency Scenarios in Small Enterprises Level Dr. Ir. Syafrial, MS. Agriculture
Dr. Ir. Wahib Muhaimin, MS. Agriculture
Rosihan Asmara, SE., MP. Agriculture
Fitria Dina Riana, SP., MP. Agriculture
10. The Development of Smart Rural Food Enterprise for Peasant in Southern Route of East Java Mangku Purnomo, SP., M.Si., Ph.D Agriculture
Setiyo Yuli Handono, SP., MP., MBA Agriculture
Nila Firdausi Nuzula, S.Sos., MBA., Ph.D IAdministrative Sciences
Dr. Rer.pol., Wildan Syafitri, SE., ME Economics and Business
11. Gold Metal Phytomining from People’s Gold Mine Waste by Using Local Plant Prof. Ir. Eko Handayanto, MSc., PhD. Agriculture
Dr.Ir. Budi Prasetya, MP Agriculture
Ir. Baiq Dewi Krisnayanti, MP. Mataram University
Ir. Nurul Muddarisna, MP Wisnuwardhana University
12. Effect of Bio Urine Implementation Over Food Crop and Vegetables in Farmland at Ngujug, Batu Dr. Ir. Mudji Santosa, MS Agriculture
Dr.Ir.Agus Suryanto,MS Agriculture
13. Corn Crop (Zea Mays) Increased Productivity Over Soil Fertility Amelioration by Using Bokashi and Mikoriza Arbuskular Mushroom Dr. Ir. Titin Sumarni, MP Agriculture
Dr.Ir.Nurul Aini, MS. Agriculture
Sisca Fajriani SP., MP. Agriculture
14. Adaptation Test of Organic Tomatoes’ Hope Strain Dr. Ir. Damanhuri, MS Agriculture
Ir. Sri Lestari Purnamaningsih, MS Agriculture
Ir. Respatijarti, MS Agriculture
Prof. Ir. Lita Soetopo, Ph.D Agriculture
15. Nutrition Quality Improvement of High-Yielded Green Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Over Hybridization between Introduced Variety and Local Variety Dr. Ir. Andy Soegianto, CESA Agriculture
Ir. Sri Lestari Purnamaningsih, MS. Agriculture
16. Development of Bacteriophage and Endofit Bacteria Based Microbe Consortium Technology as Biological Control of Bacteria Wilt to Support Potatoes Crop Development in Midland Luqman Qurata Aini, SP, M.Si., PhD. Agriculture
Dr. Ir. Mintarto Martosudiro Agriculture
17. Rehabilitation of Degraded Areas Through Agroforestry: The Evaluation of Community Nursery Farm (Kebun Bibit Rakyat)and Analysis of Success Factors of Afforestation in Agricultural Land Ir. Didik Suprayogo, M.Sc., Ph.D. Agriculture
Prof. Ir. Kurniatun Hairiah, Ph.D Agriculture
Ir. Maria Bernadetha T.M., Ph.D Mathematic and Natural sicences
18. Development of Soybean Genotypes Tolerant Towards Stress Salinity Dr. Ir. Nurul Aini, MS Agriculture
Prof. Dr. Ir. Syekhfani, MS Agriculture
Wiwin Sumiya Dwi Yamika, SP., MP. Agriculture
19. Development of Benefit Sharing Model Over Economic Beneficial of Utilization of Commons Resources at Bromo Highlands For Local Community Welfare Prof. Dr. Ir. Kliwon Hidayat, MS. Agriculture
Dr. Ir. Rini Dwiastuti, MS Agriculture
Setiyo Yuli Handono,SP., MP., MBA. Agriculture
Fitria Dina Riana, SP. MP Agriculture
20. Impact of Forest Conversion to Become Rubber and Oil Palm Plantation Towards C And N Reserve in the Land, And Nitrogen Laundering Dr. Ir. Sri Rahayu Utami, M.Sc. Agriculture
Prof. Dr. Ir. Zaenal Kusuma, SU Agriculture
Syahrul Kurniawan, SP. MP Agriculture
21. Development Research of Adaptable, adoptable and Marketable Seed Based University’s Featured Industry Ir. Arifin Noor Sugiharto, M.Sc., Ph.D Agriculture
Dr. Ir. Bambang Tri Rahardjo, SU Agriculture
Dr. Ir. Agus Suryanto, MS. Agriculture


A. U P T
1. Effect of Protected Methionine Addition at Kangkong Supplements (Ipomoea aquatic Forks.) Over Dairy Goat Productivity Ir. Mashudi, M.Agr.Sc. Animal Husbandry
Dr. Ir. Herni Sudarwati, MS Animal Husbandry
Ir. Siti Nurul Kamaliyah Animal Husbandry
Prof.Dr.Ir. Kusmartono Animal Husbandry
2. Stabilization of Cheese Spread by Using Gelatin Biopolymer Cross-linked Whey Protein and Chitosan Abdul Manab S.Pt. MP. Animal Husbandry
Dr. Ir. Purwadi, MS Animal Husbandry
Ir. Mustakim, MP Animal Husbandry
Dedes Amertaningtyas, S.Pt., MP. Animal Husbandry
3. Cysteine Antioxidant Supplementation in Cement Diluent In the Process of Improving the Quality of Goats’ Frozen Cement Dr. Ir. Nuryadi, MS. Animal Husbandry
Dr. Ir. Sri Wahjuningsih, M.Si Animal Husbandry
Achadiah Rachmawati, S.Pt., M.Si. Animal Husbandry
4. Strategy of Developing Fat-tailed sheep Based on Cassava Plant in Lowland and Highland Prof. Dr. Ir.Kusmartono Animal Husbandry
Prof. Dr. Ir. Siti Chuzaemi, MS Animal Husbandry
Prof. Dr. Ir. Hartutik, MP. Animal Husbandry
5. The Impact of Utilizing Content Rumen of Slaughter House Waste Processed Through Feed Fortification and Fermentation on The Look of Goats Dr. Ir. Marjuki, M.Sc. Animal Husbandry
Rini Dwi Wahjuni, S.Pt., MP. Animal Husbandry
6. The Improvement of Milk Agro-Industry Through Harmonization of Good Farming Practices Implementation, Products Diversification and Traceability in Probolinggo Regency Dr. Ir. Lilik Eka Radiati, MS Animal Husbandry
Ir. Hari Dwi Utami, MS.,M.AppL.Sc.,Ph.D. Animal Husbandry
Ir. Sarwiyono, M.Agr. St Animal Husbandry
Firman Jaya, S.Pt., MP Animal Husbandry
7. Potency and Development of Local Plant Resource; Redbead Tree (Adenanthera pavonina L.) as Main Feed Source in Madura Prof. Dr. Ir. Ifar Subagiyo, M.Agr.St. Animal Husbandry
Agus Suharyanto, Ir., M.Eng.,Ph.D. Animal Husbandry
Ir. Siti Nurul Kamaliyah, MP Animal Husbandry
Ir. Mashudi, M.Agr.Sc. Animal Husbandry
8. Interaction between Protein Casein and Porang Flour Modified with Sonication-Acid and Microwave Acid in Goat Milk Kefir Dr. Ir. Imam Thohari, MP. Animal Husbandry
Abdul Manab, S.Pt., MP. Animal Husbandry
9. Natural Feed Additives Production Innovation Through Microencapsulation Protection Technology by Using Modified Microwave Oven as Substitute Antibiotics of Poultry Muhammad Halim Natsir, SPt., MP Animal Husbandry
Dr. Ir.Osfar Sjofjan, M.Sc Animal Husbandry
Dr. Ir. Eko Widodo, M.Agr.Sc Animal Husbandry
Ir. Eny Sri Widyastuti, MP Animal Husbandry
10. Carcass Growth Pattern and Wholesale Cuts and Characteristics of Beef Carcass in The Standard of Animal Welfare Ir. Kuswati, MS Animal Husbandry
Dr. Ir. Moch. Nasich, MS. Animal Husbandry
Irida Novianti, S.Pt, M.Agr.Sc Animal Husbandry
11. Prevention of Milk Production Decreasing Through Teat Dipping Extract of Jamaica Cherry (Muntingia Calabura L.) In Dairy Cattle of the Community Dr. Ir. Puguh Surjowardojo, MP Animal Husbandry
Ir. Sarwiyono, M.Agr.St Animal Husbandry
Dr. Ir. Imam Thohari, MP Animal Husbandry
12. Development of Goat Milk-Based Rural Industry: Quality Seeds Based on Genes Mark and Milk Production Prof. Dr. Sc.Agr. Ir. Suyadi, MS Animal Husbandry
Achadiah Rachmawati, S.Pt., M.Si Animal Husbandry
Nia Kurniawan, S.Si, MP., D.Sc Mathematics and Natural Sciences
13. Improving of Feeding for Livestock Ruminants by Adding Mukroba Alfalfa (Medicago Sativa L) Culture on its Fooder Ir. Endang Setyowati, MS. Animal Husbandry
Ir. Nur Cholis, M.Si Animal Husbandry
14. Activity Test and Analysis of Intracellular Calcium (Ca ++): Function of Total Protein and Protein Extract Specification 100 Kd Of Goat Sperm In oocytes Activation of Sub-Title Year II: Activation of M-II Oocytes Parthenogenesis and Reconstruction Results Prof. Dr.Ir. Moch. Nur Ihsan, MS. Animal Husbandry
Dr.Ir.Gatot Ciptadi DESS Animal Husbandry
Irida Novianti Spt,.M. Agr. Sc. Animal Husbandry
Dr. Dra. Sri Rahayu, M.Kes. Mathematics and Natural Sciences
15. Application Model of Empowerment Broiler Breeders Partnership Through Making Stakeholders Contributions Guide Ir. M.B. Hariyono, M.S Animal Husbandry
Ir. Bambang Ali Nugroho,M.S, DAA., Ph.D Animal Husbandry
Siti Azizah,S.Pt.M.Sos,M.Commun Animal Husbandry
16. Increasing Productivity of Bali Cattle Through Mark Genes Selection of Myostatin At Village Breeding Centre To Produce Certified Seed Dr. Ir. Hary Nugroho, MS. Animal Husbandry
Prof. Dr. Ir. Woro Busono, MS. Animal Husbandry
Ir. Bambang Soejosopoetro, MS. Animal Husbandry
17. Livestock Waste Management and Utilization to Produce Organic products Prof. Dr. Mohammad Junus, MP Animal Husbandry
Agung Sugeng Widodo, ST., MT., Ph.D Engineering
Drs. Setijono Samino, MS., D.Sc Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Windi Zamrudy,B.Tech.,MPd Polinema
18. Protein Hydro lysates of Cow’s Heart And Lung As Antioxidants And Anti-proliferation of Colon Cancer Cells (Caco-2) In vitro Ir. Mustakim, MP. Animal Husbandry
Prof. Dr. Ir. Djalal Rosyidi, MS. Animal Husbandry
Agus Susilo, S.Pt., MP. Animal Husbandry
19. Optimization of Local female Cattle Reproduction (Unidentified Bed) with Three Genetic Resources Excellence Through IB Intensification Ir. Agus Budiarto, MS Animal Husbandry
Prof Dr. Ir. Luqman Hakim, MS Animal Husbandry
20. Application of Integrated Technology and Public Intervention in the Context of Systems Strengthening of Local-Based Beef Cattle Industry Prof. Dr. Ir. Trinil Susilawati, MS Animal Husbandry
Dr.Ir. Herni Sudarwati, MS Animal Husbandry
Eko Nugroho,S.Pt., M.Sc. Animal Husbandry


A. U P T
1. Spatial Arrangement Of Dinoyo Ceramic Kampong Tourism Area, Based On Tourism Activity Pattern Dr. Ir. Joko Triwinarto Santoso, MSA Engineering
Dr. Lisa Dwi Wulandari, ST., MT Engineering
Triandriani Mustikawati, ST., MT Engineering
Noviani Suryasari, ST., MT Engineering
2. Optimization Model for Logistics Service Quality Improvement in Manufacturing Subsector of Food and Drink Yeni Sumantri, S.Si., MT., Ph.D. Engineering
Ishardita Pambudi Tama, ST., MT., Ph.D. Engineering
Nasir Widha Setyanto, ST., MT. Engineering
3. Scenario of Alternative Energy Conversion at the Small-Scale Waste Disposal by Using Methane Transformity Dr. tech. Christia Meidiana, ST., M.Eng. Engineering
Mustika Anggraeni, ST., M.Si Engineering
Eddi Basuki Kurniawan ST., MT. Engineering
4. Implementation of Investigation Method on Non-Destructive Land on the Critical Slopes For Developing Map of landslide-prone Areas on Roads section in Batu – Pujon Eko Andi Suryo, ST., MT. Engineering
Dr. rer. nat. Ir. Arief Rachmansyah Engineering
Dr. Eng. Indradi Wijatmiko, ST., MEng. Engineering
5. Impact of Porous Asphalt Mixture Gradation Towards Permeability Capability and Marshall Performance Ir. Ludfi Djakfar, MSCE., Ph.D. Engineering
Dr.Eng. Yulvi Zaika, MT. Engineering
Hendi Bowoputro, ST., MT. Engineering
DIr.Harimurti, MS. Engineering
6. High Energy Density Mesoscale Combustor Using Multiple Fuel Inlet of Gas And Liquid Fuels Dr.Eng. Lilis Yuliati, ST, MT. Engineering
Prof. Ir. I.N.G. Wardana, M. Eng., Ph.D Engineering
Dr. Slamet Wahyudi, ST, MT Engineering
7. Design of Green Supply Chain In Small and Medium Enterprises for National Food Security Ishardita Pambudi T., ST, MT, PhD Engineering
Yeni Sumantri, SSi., MT., PhD Engineering
Rahmi Yuniarti, ST., MT Engineering
Agustina Eunike, ST., MT., MBA Engineering
8. Development Design of LED and LED Driver for Achieving Improved Work Efficiency and Decreasing Consumption of energy Onny Setyawati, ST., MT. Engineering
Dr. Rahmadwati , ST., MT. Engineering
Moch. Rif´an, ST., MT. Engineering
Ir. Nanang Sulistiyanto, M.Sc. Engineering
9. Algorithm and Implementation of Energy Audit Software to Support Energy Conservation Efforts Dr. Rini Nur Hasanah, S.T., M.Sc. Engineering
Ir. Wijono, M.T., Ph.D. Engineering
Drs. Ir. Mochammad Dhofir, M.T. Engineering
Hadi Suyono, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. Engineering
10. Organic Solar Cells With Chlorophyll Color In DSSC (Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell) From Leaves Extraction of Jatropha And Papaya Leaf Dr. Ir. Sholeh Hadi Pramono, M.Sc Engineering
Ir. M. Julius S., MS. Engineering
Ir. Teguh Utomo, MT Engineering
Eka Maulana, ST, MT, MEng. Engineering
11. Design of Conserving Telecommunications Systems For Indonesian Migrant Worker (TKI) Ir. Wahyu Adi Prijono, MT. Engineering
Ir. Muhammad Aswin, MT. Engineering
Ir. Wijono, MT., Ph.D Engineering
Gaguk Asmungi, ST., MT. Engineering
12. Diffusion Combustion Characteristics and Premix Fuel Biogas Dr. Eng. Mega Nur Sasongko, ST, MT Engineering
Dr. Eng. Nurkholis Hamidi, ST, M Eng. Engineering
13. Intelligent Engineering Maintenance Management Information Systems Engineering of Small And Medium Enterprises on the Food Sector Purnomo Budi Santoso, M.Sc., Ph.D Engineering
Prof. Dr. Ir. Rudy Soenoko, M.Eng., Sc Engineering
Nasir Widha Setyanto, ST., MT Engineering
Widha Kusumaningdyah, ST., MT Engineering
14. Development of Control System Design of Temperature and Pressure on Bioethanol Refining Process as an Alternative Fuel for Vehicle Muhammad Aziz Muslim, ST., MT., Ph.D Engineering
Goegoes Dwi Nusantoro, ST., MT. Engineering
Ali Mustofa, ST., MT. Engineering
15. Design of Metal Gasket For Sealing Applications On Low Working Pressure Dr.Eng. Moch. Agus Choiron, ST., MT. Engineering
Dr.Eng. Anindito Purnowidodo, ST., M.Eng. Engineering
16. Injection Analysis of Embedded Generations: Photovoltaic and Micro Hydro Power (PLTMH) on Grid System Hadi Suyono, S.T., M.T., Ph.D Engineering
Muhammad Fauzan Edy Purnomo, ST., MT. Engineering
Ir. Hari Santoso, MS. Engineering
17. Role Hierarchy of RTH (Cemetery, Park Rotonde And Recreation and Sports Park) of the Ecological Environment Quality Improvement at Malang City Center Dr. Lisa Dwi Wulandari, ST., MT Engineering
Dr. Eng. Turniningtyas Ayu Rachmawati, ST., MT Engineering
Subhan Ramdlani, ST., MT Engineering
18. Implementation of Intelligence Concept in Supply Chain Management (SCM) to Improve Chicken Breeders Productivity and Welfare (Case Study on the Management of Broiler and Layer Chicken at Kabupaten Blitar) Sugiono, ST., MT., Ph.D. Engineering
Agung Sugeng Widodo, ST., MT., Ph.D. Engineering
Dewi Hardiningtyas, ST., MT., MBA. Engineering
19. Heat Resistant Isolator (AEROGEL) of Silica Sand Ir. Bambang Poerwadi, MS Engineering Christia Meidiana, ST, M Eng Engineering
Diah Agustina, ST. MT Engineering
Ellya Indahyanti, S.Si, M.Sc Engineering
20. Development of MCU (Main Control Unit) to Improve Efficiency Performance of Ethanol Fueled 4-step One Cylinder Machine Dr. Ir. Erni Yudaningtyas, MT. Engineering
Dr. Eng. Eko Siswanto, ST., MT. Engineering
Dwi Fadila Kurniawan, ST., MT. Engineering
Nanang Sulistiyanto, ST., MT. Engineering
21. Energy Transfer by Enthalpy Identification (Heat Reaction) Biomass Pyrolysis Products that Producing Alternative Fuels Dr. Eng. Widya Wijayanti, ST, MT Engineering
Femiana Gapsari, ST., MT. Engineering
Purnami, ST, MT. Engineering
22. Improved Natural Cooling and Air Quality on Densely Populated Settlement through Landscape Planning of Herb’s Garden Dr. Ir. A. Wahid Hasyim, MT Engineering
Agung Murti Nugroho, ST, MT, Ph.D Engineering
Ir. Damayanti Asikin, MT Engineering
23. Minapolitan Areas as Local Economic Approach Development (LED) for the Communities in Coastal Area of Kabupaten Pangkep, South Sulawesi Dr. Eng. Turniningtyas Ayu R., ST, MT Engineering
Dr. Iwan Permadi, SH., M.Hum. Engineering
Nindya Sari, ST, MT. Engineering
24. Performance Study of Groundwater Production Wells in Irrigation Area Development Framework To Support Food Security in Great Malang (Malang Raya) Ir. Moh Sholichin, MT., Ph.D Engineering
Emma Yuliani, ST., MT., Ph.D Engineering
25. Building a Monitoring System of Water Resources Governance To Support Food Security In Watershed of Brantas Dr.Ir. Harry Soekotjo Dachlan Engineering
Dr.Ery Suhartanto, ST., MT. Engineering
Arief Andy Soebroto, ST., M.Kom. Computer Science
Dr.Ir.Budi Prasetya, MP. Engineering
26. The Administration Pattern of Water Potential in the Lesti River subzone Watershed area in Supporting Sustainable Energy Security Efforts in Hydroelectric Reservoirs of Sengguruh Dr. Ir. Pitojo Tri Juwono, MT. Engineering
Ir. Dwi Priyantoro, MS Engineering
27. Distillation Rectification Engineering for Quality Improvement of Patchouli Oil Ir. Bambang Ismuyanto, MS. Engineering
Dr. Diah Mardiana, MS. Mathematics and Natural Sciences
A.S. Dwi Saptati Nur Hidayati, ST., MT. Engineering
28. Condensation and Separation Technique Development on Community Essential Oil Distillation Process Which part of the University Featured Agroforestry Industry Prof. Dr. Ir. Chandrawati Cahyani, MS. Engineering
Prof.Dr.Ir. Pratikto, MS Engineering
Wa Ode Cakra Nirwana,ST., MT Engineering
Kartika Puspa Negara, ST, MT Engineering
29. Pre Distillation Cells Splitting Techniques To Improve of Productivity Patchouli Oil Extract Sugiarto, ST., MT. Engineering
Dr. Eng. Nurkholis Hamidi, ST. M. Eng. Engineering
Djoko Sutikno, M.Eng Engineering
30. Biogas Purification Fractional System And Continuous To Improve Biogas Fuel Quality Dr.Eng. Denny Widhiyanuriyawan, ST., MT. Engineering
Ir. Endi Sutikno, MT Engineering
31. Analysis of Surface Distribution Runoff To Determine the Location of Injection Well In Urban Area in the Context of Water Resources Conservation Dr.Eng. Donny Harisuseno, ST., MT. Engineering
Dian Sisinggih, ST., MT., Ph.D Engineering
Dr.Eng. Andre Primantyo Hendrawan, ST., MT Engineering
32. Implementation of Concession Policy of Energy Materials (Impact Study of Coal Mining Policy in East Kutai Regency) Dr. Ir. Surjono, MTP. Engineering
Mustika Anggraeni, ST., M.Si. Engineering
Chairul Maulidi, ST., MT. Engineering
33. Local Spatial Planning Framework on the Perspective of Eco-Socio-Cultural Sustainability: Preservation of Historic Areas of Majapahit Heritage Center In Trowulan I Nyoman Suluh, ST, MT, Ph.D. Engineering
Wara Indira Rukmi, ST., MT. Engineering


A. U P T
1. Effect of Initiation of Ipomoea batatas L Anthocyanins from Purple Variety Of Fat Metabolism, Organ Damage, Liver and Rat’s Kidney (Rattus novergicus) With High-Fat Diet Dr. dr. Retty Ratnawati, M.Sc Medial Faculty
Dr. dr. Endang Sri Wahyuni, MS Medial Faculty
dr. Habiba Aurora, MBioMed Medial Faculty
2. Local White Portland Cement to Increases Proliferation and Differentiation of Odontoblasts Cells and Dentin Network Improvements in Wistar Rats’ Dental Pulpitis Reversible (In Vivo Test) Dr. drg. M. Chair Effendi, SU, SpKGA Medial Faculty
drg. Miftakhul Cahyati, SpPM Medial Faculty
Dr. drg. Nur Permatasari, MS(K) Medial Faculty
drg. Chandra Sari Kurniawati, SpKG Medial Faculty
3. Potential Development of Polysaccharide Peptide (Ganoderma lucidum) As Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory: Comprehensive Management Efforts of Cardiovascular Disease Prof. Dr. dr. Djanggan Sargowo, Sp.PD.,Sp.JP.(K) Medial Faculty
Prof. dr. Mohammad Aris Widodo, Sp.FK., Ph.D Medial Faculty
Titin Andri Wihastuti, S.Kp., M.Kes Medial Faculty
4. Effect of vitamin Over Endothelial Damage Due to the Formation of Neutrophil Extracellular Traps (NETS) By Low Density Granulocytes (Ldgs) On Lupus patients with Erythematous Systemic Dr. dr. Kusworini, M.Kes Medial Faculty
dr. Dian Hasanah, MBiomed Medial Faculty
dr. Sri Soenarti, SpPD Medial Faculty
5. Effect of Renin Genes Polymorphism C-5312T Towards Angiotensin Inhibitors-Based Therapeutic Response On Patients with Hypertension: Implications On the Selection of Hypertension Therapy dr. M. Saifur Rohman, SpJP, Ph.D Medial Faculty
dr. Hidayat Suyuti, SpM, PhD Medial Faculty
6. Effect of Outer Membrane Protein Given of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis on the Expression of CD4 T cells and interferon – ƴ Dr. dr. Dwi Yuni Nur Hidayati,M.Kes Medial Faculty
Prof. Dr. dr. Noorhamdani AS, DMM, SpMK. Medial Faculty
dr. Dewi Santosaningsih, M.Kes Medial Faculty
dr. Danik Agustin P, M.Kes Medial Faculty
7. Effect of Endosulfan On Expression of Serotonin, Gaba And Cell Apoptosis In Rat’s Brain Dr. dr. Sri Andarini, M.Kes Medial Faculty
Dra. Asmika, SKM, M.Kes. Medial Faculty
Dr. dr. Nurdiana, M.Kes. Medial Faculty
8. Development of Standardized Herbal medicine Using Gooseberry (Physalis minima L) as Hormone Replacement Therapy On Postmenopausal Women Dr. drg. Nur Permatasari, MS. Medial Faculty
dr. Dian Nugrahenny, M.Biomed Medial Faculty
Dr. dr. Setyawati Soeharto, M.Kes Medial Faculty
9. Study of the Ethanol Extract of Mango’s Parasite Leaves (Dendrophthoe pentandra) to Improve TregCD4 + CD25 + Cells as Early Prevention of Colon Cancer Agustina Tri Endharti, SSi.Ph.D Medial Faculty
Drs. Sofy Permana, MSc.,DSc Mathematics and Natural Sciences
dr. Eviana Norahmawati, Sp.PA Medial Faculty
10. Policy Development of Management on the Erythematous Lupus Systemic Disease Using a Combination of Vitamin D with Curcumin as Immunomodulatory Agents for Improving the Successfulness Rates of Therapy Prof. Dr. dr. Handono Kalim, SpPD-KR Medial Faculty
Dr. Sri Murwani, drh, MP Medial Faculty
dr. Cesarius Singgih Wahono, SpPD Medial Faculty
11. Diagnostic Test of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Antigens and Interferon Gamma on Tuberculosis Pediatrics Patients Using Rapid Diagnostic Method dr. Agustin Iskandar, M.Kes. Medial Faculty
dr. Maimun Zulhaidah A, SpPK, Mkes Medial Faculty
12. Identification And Exploration of People ‘s Health Care Needs on Tuberculosis (TB) Experiencing Drop-Out Therapy In Malang: A Qualitative Study Phenomenology Ns.Kumboyono, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.Kom. Medial Faculty
dr. Siwanto, M.Sc Medial Faculty
Yati Sri Hayati, SKp, Mkes Medial Faculty
13. Retinol Effectiveness in Addressing Insulin Resistance dr. Novi Khila Firani, M.Kes. Medial Faculty
dr. Bambang Prijadi, MS. Medial Faculty


A. U P T
1. The Proposed Model of biomarker and pertinent Indicators from marine biodiversity: from molecule to Community Prof. Ir. Yenny Risjani, DEA, Ph.D Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Dr. Ir. Yunianta, DEA Agriculture
Dr. Jane Lulinda Dangeubun, S.Pi., M.Si. Tual Fisheries Public Polytechnic
2. Squid Ink Extract (Loligo sp.) as Autoinducer Quorum Inhibitor of Vibrio harveyi Bacteria Sensing in Vannaemei Shrimp (Litopenaeus vanamei) Cultivation Dr. Ir. Mohamad Fadjar, M.Sc. Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Dr.Ir Abdul Rahem Faqih, M.Si. Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Dr. Ir. Kartini Zailanie, MP. Fisheries and Marine Sciences
3. Human Resources Empowerment Model in Fisheries and Marine to Succeed Blue Economy Action in South Malang Coast Dr. Ir. Harsuko Riniwati, MP Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Dr. Ir. Anthon Efani, MS Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Zainal Abidin, S.Pi, MBA, MP Fisheries and Marine Sciences
4. Exploring Molecule Character of Peridinin Cell Chlorophyll Mikroalga Nannochloropsis oculata Pigment and Halimeda sp: Development Activity to Control Fish Virus Disease Using Natural-based Substances Dr. Uun Yanuhar, S.Pi., M.Si. Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Prof. Ir. Diana Arfiati, MS Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Prof. Ir. Sukoso, M.Sc., Ph.D. Fisheries and Marine Sciences
5. Cytoprotective Effect of Isolated Fucoxanthin from Brown Alga Sargassum filipendula toward Cell Damage Dr. Ir. Kartini Zailanie, MP Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Dr. Ir. Hartati Kartikaningsih Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Dr.dr. Umi Kalsum, M.Kes Medical
Yushinta Aristina Sanjaya, SPi., MP Fisheries and Marine Sciences
6. Responses of Benthic Macrofauna toward Heavy Metals as the Source of Anthropogenic Stress on Sidoarjo Water, East Java Dr. Ir. Gatut Bintoro, M.Sc Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Dwi Candra Pratiwi, Spi., M.Sc Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Syarifah Hikmah Js, SPi, M.Sc Fisheries and Marine Sciences
7. Identification and Characterization of Signal Decomposition Enzyme Acyl Homoserine Lactone (AHL) from Fish Pond Indigenous Bacteria Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Andayani, MS Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Dr.Ir.Happy Nursyam, MS. Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Ating Yuniarti, S.Pi., M.Aqua Fisheries and Marine Sciences
8. Stock and Habitat Enhancement of Coral Reefs in Sempu Island Malang to Revive Live-Reef Fish Trade Ir. Alfan Jauhari, MS Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Oktiyas Muzaky Luthfi, ST., M.Sc Fisheries and Marine Sciences
9. Remote Sensing Technology Application in Sedimentation Potential Analysis and Mangrove Ecology in Delta Porong Sidoarjo Dr. Ir. Mohammad Mahmudi, MS Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Dhira Khurniawan Saputra, S.Kel., M.Sc. Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Nurin Hidayati, ST., M.Sc. Fisheries and Marine Sciences
10. Sustainable Control Strategy for Pelagic Fish Resource Based on Risk Management Analysis in Madura Strait Water Dr. Ir. Tri Djoko Lelono, M.Si Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Arief Setyanto S.Pi, M.App.Sc Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Ir. Bambang Semedi, M.Sc P.h.D Fisheries and Marine Sciences
11. Fishery Resources Management through Local Institutional to Empower Society Using Local Wisdom-based in Madura Strait Coast Ir. Mimit Primyastanto, MP Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Dr. Ir. Pudji Purwanti, MP Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Ir. Yahya, MS Fisheries and Marine Sciences
12. Immobilization of 3-Isolate Bacteria to Spur Nitrification Process in Shrimp Cultivation Dr. Ir. Anik Martina Hariati, M.Sc Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Prof. Dr. Ir. Endang Yuli H. MS Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Ir. Dewa Gede R. Wiadnya, M.Sc Fisheries and Marine Sciences
13. Climate Change and Lemuru Fish (Sardinella lemuru) Food Composition Change in Bali Strait Related to Omega-3 Content as Food Security Supporting Component Ir. Aida Sartimbul, M.Sc., Ph.D Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Prof. Dr. Ir. Endang Yuli H., MS Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Erfan Rohadi, ST., M.Eng. Polinema
14. Metallothionein Expression in Gill and Stomach of Taiwan Pond Mussel (Anodonta woodiana) Exposed by Lead (Pb) in Sub-Chronic Concentration Dr. Ir. Hartati Kartikaningsih, MS. Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Asus Maizar Suryanto Hertika., S.Pi., MP Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Prof. Dr. Ir. Diana Arfiati., MS Fisheries and Marine Sciences
15. Land Suitability Analysis and Seaweed Cultivation Method in Gili Ketapang Island Probolinggo using Remote Sensing-based and Geographic Information System (GIS) Ir. Muhammad Musa, MS Fisheries and Marine Sciences
M.Arif Zainul Fuad, S.Kel., M.Sc. Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Eko Waluyo, S.Pi., M.Si. Fisheries and Marine Sciences
16. Extra Bouyancy Fource and Opening Mesh as Effectiveness Indicator and Purse Seine Selectivity in Sampang Water Madura Dr. Ir. Guntur, MS Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Dr. Ir. Abdul Rahem Faqih, M.Si Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Fuad, S.Pi, MT Fisheries and Marine Sciences
17. Mangrove Planting Engineering in Critical and Open Land to Accelerate Vegetation Growth and Food Security Dr. Ir. Nuddin Harahab, MP Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Dr.Ir. Agoes Soeprijanto, MS Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Riski Agung Lestariadi, S.Pi., MBA., MP Fisheries and Marine Sciences
18. Population and Shrimp Genetic Characteristic Affected by Water Contamination in East Java Dr. Yuni Kilawati, S.Pi.,M.Si Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Yunita Maimunah,S.Pi.,M.Sc Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Dr. Ir. Arning Wilujeng Ekawati Fisheries and Marine Sciences
19. Bio-Geography and Phylo-Genetic Fish Characteristic from East Java Sea Ir. Dewa Gede Raka Wiadnya, M.Sc. Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Prof.Ir.Marsoedi,Ph.D Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Wahyu E. Kusuma, S.Pi, MP Fisheries and Marine Sciences


A. U P T
1. Furfural Derivatives as A result of Isolation of Agricultural Biomass into A Renewable Energy Source Dr. Sc. Siti Mariyah Ulfa, M.Sc Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Dr. Sc. Lukman Hakim, M.Sc Mathematics and Natural Sciences
M. Farid Rahman, S.Si., M.Si. Mathematics and Natural Sciences
2. Analysis of the Effect of Land Use Externalities in BODETABEK on the Conserved Land and Catchment Area: Spatial Tobit Model Dr. Rahma Fitriani, S.Si., M.Sc Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Ir. Ismu Rini Dwi Ari, MT., Ph.D Engineering
Eni Sumarminingsih, S.Si., MM Mathematics and Natural Sciences
3. Biomarker Identification for the Early Detection of Sudden Cardiac Arrest Widodo, Ph.D, Med.Sc. Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Prof. Dr. dr. Teguh Wahyu Sardjono, DTMH, MSc, SpParK Mathematics and Natural Sciences
4. The Use of Bio pesticides and Local Refugia Plant to Improve Apple Plant Productivity Amin Setyo Leksono, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Dr. Bagyo Yanuwiadi Mathematics and Natural Sciences
5. A Research on Non-Timber Forest Product (NTFPs) in Land of Komplangan Perhutani, the Area of Bromo Tengger Semeru National park, East Java Dr. Jati Batoro, M.Si. Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Dr. Serafinah Indriyani M.Si Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Dr. Bagyo Yanuwiadi Mathematics and Natural Sciences
6. Model Management Development of Physico-Chemical Water Quality and Biodiversity Around the Wellspring Found in Upper Brantas Watershed to Support Sustainable Agroforestry Dr. Catur Retnaningdyah, M.Si Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Dr. Endang Arisoesilaningsih Mathematics and Natural Sciences
7. Classification Election of Potential Contraceptives Using Naive Bayes Classifier Method Dr. Sobri Abusini, MT. Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Dra. Endang Wahyu Handamari, M.Si. Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Kwardiniya Andawaningtyas, S.Si., M.Si. Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Prof. Dr. Agus Widodo, Mkes Mathematics and Natural Sciences
8. Formulation of Average Calculation of Commodity Demand Using Integral Set-Valued Function Ratno Bagus Edy W., S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Drs. Mohamad Muslikh, M.Si Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Dr. Abdul Rouf Al Ghofari, M.Sc Mathematics and Natural Sciences
9. Development of Algorithms Bayesian Spatio-Temporal Disaggregation of Rainfall as A Model Input of Spatially Distributed Hydrological Simulation in Watershed of Sampean Bondowoso Dr. Ir. Solimun, MS. Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Dr. Suci Astutik, S.Si., M.Si. Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Dr. Isnani Darti, S.Si.,M.Si. Mathematics and Natural Sciences
10. Evaluation of the Effect of screening Program and HIV Therapy as A Preventive Action of HIV Transmission in Malang through Analysis of Mathematical Model Sensitivity Drs. Marsudi, MS Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Prof. Dr. Marjono, MPhil. Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Dra. Ari Andari, MS Mathematics and Natural Sciences
11. A Combination Curcumin therapy and Vitamin E as Herbal Product to Support Breast Cancer Treatment on A Rat (Rattus Norvegicus) with Breast Cancer Dra. Anna Roosdiana,M.App.Sc. Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Dr. Dra.Herawati, MP. Veterinary Medicine
drh. Dyah Ayu Oktavianie, drh., M. Biotech Veterinary Medicine
drh. Aulia Firmawati, M.Vet. Veterinary Medicine
12. The Effects of Therapy and Prevention of Bioactive Peptides in Fermented Goat Milk on Cardiovascular Disease Prof. Dr. Ir. Chanif Mahdi, MS Mathematics and Natural Sciences
drh. Handayu Untari Veterinary Medicine
13. In Vitro Synthesis Stimulation of Betalain Pigment through Dopa-4,5-Dioxygenase (DODA) Gene Manipulation on Celosia Species (The Source Candidate of the Healthy Natural Dye) Ir. Retno Mastuti, MAgrSc., DAgrSc. Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Widodo, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D MedSc. Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Dra. Nunung Harijati, MS., Ph.D Mathematics and Natural Sciences
14. Evaluation of Biopesticides Security in Malang District Drs. Setijono Samino, MS., D.Sc. Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Brian Rahardi, S.Si., M.Sc. Mathematics and Natural Sciences
15. Development of Bio-Electric Application to detect Lard Contamination on Food Materials Chomsin Sulistya Widodo, M.Si, Ph.D Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Dr. Hari Arief Dharmawan, M.Eng Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Sucipto, STP., MP Agriculture Technology
Arif Hidayat, STP, M.AiT Agriculture Technology
16. Optimization of Solar Power System (A case Study: Partial Shading Condition) Based on Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) Control Ahmad Nadhir,S.Si.,MT.,Ph.D Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Dr. Eng. Agus Naba Mathematics and Natural Sciences
17. Development of Ultrafine Particle Filtering System on Motor Vehicles to Reduce Hazardous Substances Drs. Arinto Yudi Ponco W., MSc. Ph.D Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Drs. Unggul. P. Juswono, M.Sc Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Drs. Sugeng Rianto, M.Sc Mathematics and Natural Sciences
18. Development of “Low Cost & Automated” Method and Instrumentation to Diagnose Mercury Poisoning Dra. Hermin Sulistyarti, Ph.D Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Ir. Erwin Sulistyo, MT Engineering
Dr. Dra. Atikah, Apt Mathematics and Natural Sciences
19. Determination of the Effective Dose on the Full-Body Multislice CT-scan for the Estimation of National Dose Reference Levels in Indonesia Drs. Johan Andoyo Effendi Noor, M.Sc., Ph.D Mathematics and Natural Sciences
dr. Indrastuti Normahayu, Sp. Rad(K) Medical Science
Dr. dr. Yuyun Yueniwati, M. Kes., Sp. Rad Medical Science
20. Tetrahydrofuran Adhesion and its Derivative as a Secondary Molecule in New Hydrogen-Hydrate Ice VI Structure-Based to Increase Hydrate Stability as a Hydrogen Fuel Saver Material Dr. Sc. Lukman Hakim, S.Si., M.Sc. Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Dr.Sc. Siti Mariyah Ulfa, M.Sc Mathematics and Natural Sciences
21. Geochemistry Ocean Sediment Testing as an Indicator of Ocean Ecosystem Quality Agroforestry Activity Impact in Sumber Brantas, Sub Watershed, Batu City Dr. Barlah Rumhayati, M.Si Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Dr. rer.nat. Rachmat Triandi T., M.Si Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Hari Siswoyo, S.T., M.T Engineering
22. Biosensor to Detect Food Pollution in the Agriculture Product Dr. Ani Mulyasuryani, MS Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Qonitah Fardiyah, S.Si., M.Si Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Ir. Moch. Dhofir, MT Engineering
23. WCM Sensor Surface Modification with Zinc Phathalocyanine (ZnPC) Slim Layer to Increase the Immobilization of Goat Milk Specific Protein Dr.Eng. Masruroh, M.Si Mathematics and Natural Sciences
drh. Masdiana Padaga. M.App.Sc Animal Husbandry
Dr. Rer. Nat Abdurrouf Mathematics and Natural Sciences
24. Repairing Karangkates dam to Anticipate the Energy Security through Crack Potential Detection and the Dam Leakage Dr. Sunaryo,S.Si., M.Si. Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Drs.Adi Susilo,M.Si.,Ph.D. Mathematics and Natural Sciences
25. Developing Ultrasonography Engineering to Improve the Quality Concept Dr. Eng. Agus Naba,M.T. Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Dionysius Joseph Djoko Herry Santjojo, Ph.D Mathematics and Natural Sciences
26. DNA Methylation Detection and Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Monolith Technology-Based to Detect Early Cancer Quickly and Accurately Akhmad Sabarudin, M.Sc, Dr.Sc Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Dr. Ing. Setyawan Purnomo Sakti, M.Eng Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Darjito, S.Si., M.Si. Mathematics and Natural Sciences
27. The Development of Aridity Endurance in the Soybean (Glyine max L. Merr.) Based on Gend Lea-D11 (Late embryogenesis abundant) Sequence and Expression Dehydrin Code Protein Dr. Ir. Estri Laras Arumingtyas, MSc.St Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Dr. Ir. Joni Kusnadi, M.Si Agriculture Technology
28. Development of Functional Materials for Portable QCM Application of Fast Diagnostic Tool: A Target Model of MMP3 Molecule of Patients with Rheumatic Arthritis Ir. D.J. Djoko H.Santjojo, M.Phil., Ph.D Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Dr.Eng. Masruroh Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Dr.Eng. Yudy Surya Irawan, ST., M.Eng Engineering
Dr. Sri Widyarti Mathematics and Natural Sciences
29. Development of Geothermal Energy Conversion System and Its Exploration in East java to Support Food Security Sukir Maryanto, Ph.D Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Dr. Eng. Didik R Santoso Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Prof. Dr. Ir. Soemarno, M.S Agriculture
Mauludi A. Pamungkas, Ph.D Mathematics and Natural Sciences
30. In Vitro Propagation Technology of Citrus Stem with Short Juvenile Period and by Using Mass Bioreactor Culture System Dr. Dra. Wahyu Widoretno, M.Si Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Nanang Suryadi, SE, MM. Economics and Business
Dr. Serafinah Indriyani, M.Si Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Chaireni Martasari, SP, M.Si Balitjestro
31. Efforts to Increase Value of East Java Patchouli Oil through Derivation of Main Components for Drug and Cosmetic Raw Materials Dr. Drs. Edi Priyo Utomo, MS Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Dr. dr. Nurdiana, MS Medical Science
Drs. Warsito, MS Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Wa Ode Cakra Nirwana, ST., MT Engineering
32. Design of Waste Gasification Pilot Plant to Become Synthesis gas (syngas) For Alternative Energy Electricity Generator Muhammad Nurhuda Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Dr.Ir.Bambang Dwi Argo, DEA(K) Agricultural Technology
33. Preparation of An Autoimmune Thyroiditis Rat (Rattus Norvegicus) as the Early Detection of Molecular Markers in Autoimmune Thyroiditis (AITD) Dr. Agung Pramana W.M. M.Si Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Drs. Aris Soewondo, M.Si Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Wibi Riawan, S.Si Medical Science
34. Biomass Burner with Open Top Downdraft Gasification System for Agricultural Product Dryer Drs. Sugeng Rianto, M.Sc Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Prof.Dr. rer.nat. M. Nurhuda Mathematics and Natural Sciences
35. The Procurement of Pectinase Preparation from Various Local Microorganism to Support Green Chemistry- Based Industry Dr. Sasangka Prasetyawan, MS Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Drs. Suratmo, M.Sc Mathematics and Natural Sciences
36. Exploration and Separation of p-menthan 3-ol Enantiomers as Potential Drug Compound in Lemongrass Oil Using Lipase (“Green Chemistry” Method of Stereoselective Synthesis of Potential Drug Compounds from Indonesian Lemongrass Oil) Dr. Elvina Dhiaul Iftitah, M.Si Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Drs. Sutrisno, M.Si Mathematics and Natural Sciences
37. Development of the Early Detection Kit based on Autoimmune Markers: An Effort to Improve Purification Process with HIC-NSB Combination Techniques (Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography – Non Salt Buffer System) Prof. Dr. drh. Aulanni’am, DES Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Dr. Rer.Pol.Romy Hermawan,, S.Sos., M.AP Administrative Science
Dyah Kinasih Wuragil, S.Si., MP., M.Sc Veterinary Medicine
38. Natural Nutraceutical Food Based on Bioactive Peptides in Goat Milk for the Health Therapy of Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Nutrigenomics Research Prof. Dra. Fatchiyah, M.Kes., Ph.D Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Dr. Suharjono, MS Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Dr.dr.Zairin Noor Helmi, Sp.OT (K),MM.FICS Medical Faculty of Lambung Mangkurat University
Bambang S., S.Ked., M.Biomed Medical Faculty of Lambung Mangkurat University


A. U P T
1. Characterization of Functional properties of Breadfruit Flour As the Starch Granules Microstructural Modification Effect, And Its Application For Prebiotics And Antidiabetic Food Ingredients Dr. Widya Dwi Rukmi Putri, STP, MP Agricultural Technology
Dr.Ir. Elok Zubaidah,MP Agricultural Technology
Dian Widya N, STP, MP Agricultural Technology
2. Development of Bacteriophage-Based Technology For Bacterial Pathogens’ Bio Control And Bio Sanitary of Industry As of National Efforts to Improve Food Safety Agustin Krisna Wardani, STP, MSi, Ph.D Agricultural Technology
Ir. Aji Sutrisno, MSc, Ph.D Agricultural Technology
Feronika Heppy Sriherfyna, STP, MP Agricultural Technology
3. Utilization of Brown Algae Extract As Anticancer Bioactive Compounds Dr. Ir. Yunianta, DEA Agricultural Technology
Prof. Ir. Yenny Risjani, DEA, PhD Fisheries and Marine Sciences
4. Development and Production of Multi-Functional Beverage and Cincau Black (BL dazzling palustris) Based Supplement Capsules as Antihyperglycemic, Antihiperkolesterolemik and Antihypertensives (Cooperation with CV. Agaricus Sido Makmur Sentosa Lawang) Dr. Ir. Tri Dewanti Widyaningsih, M.Kes Agricultural Technology
Dian Handayani, SKM.M.Kes., Ph.D Medical Science
Novita Wijayanti, STP Agricultural Technology
5. Information Systems And Water Energy Resources Management Model (SIMOPEA) Based on Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and Digital Map For Potential Mapping, Planning and Hydropower Preservation Dr. Ir. A. Tunggul Sutan Haji, MT Agricultural Technology
Prof. Dr. Ir. Mohamad Bisri, MS Engineering
Adi Susilo, Ph.D Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Fajri Anugroho, STP, M.Agr, Ph.D Agricultural Technology
6. Performance Modeling and Supply Chain Risk of Organic Products Using Fuzzy Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) In Effort of Facing Business Dynamics And Organic Product Certification Panji Deoranto,STP., MP., Ph.D Agricultural Technology
Dr. Retno Astuti, STP., MT Agricultural Technology
Wike Agustin Prima Dania, STP., M.Eng Agricultural Technology
Ika Atsari Dewi, STP., MP Agricultural Technology
7. The Application of Pulsed Electric field (PEF) to Improve Efficiency of Essential Oils Extraction Ir. Sukardi, MS Agricultural Technology
Prof.Ir.Sudjito, MT., Ph.D Engineering
Dr.Ir. Maimunah Hindun Pulungan, MS Agricultural Technology
Arie Febrianto Mulyadi, STP, MP Agricultural Technology
8. Decision Support Systems for Supply Chain Design of Mangosteen Considering the Adding Value and Risk Value, at Banyuwangi, East Java Dr. Retno Astuti, STP, MT Agricultural Technology
Mas’ud Effendi, STP, MP Agricultural Technology
Dr. Ir. Wignyanto, MS Agricultural Technology
Dr. Sucipto, STP, MP Agricultural Technology
9. Study of Optimization Process and Microbiology Aspects on Water Waste Recycling of Tofu (Tahu) through Double Treatment Wastewater Application Dr. Ir. Nur Hidayat, MP Agricultural Technology
Dr. Ir. Wignyanto, MS Agricultural Technology
Sakunda Anggarini, STP, MP Agricultural Technology
Nimas Mayang Sabrina S., STP, MP Agricultural Technology
10. Optimization of Bioethanol Conversion Process Of Rice Straw (Oryza sativa) As Environmentally Friendly Fuel Dr. Ir. Bambang Dwi Argo, DEA Agricultural Technology
Dewi Maya Maharani, STP, M.Sc Agricultural Technology
Yusuf Hendrawan, STP., M.App.Life.Sc., Ph.D Agricultural Technology
11. Characterization of Functional and bioactive properties of Purple Yam (Dioscorea alata) for Raw Materials of Nutritious Food Products Drugs (Medicinal Foods) Prof. Dr. Ir. Harijono, MAppSc Agricultural Technology
Dr. Teti Estiasih, STP, MP Agricultural
Dr. dr. Endang Sriwahyuni, MS Medical Faculty
12. Development and Application of Flouring Technology and Water Soluble-Porang Flour Simple Purification which is More Economical and Applicable to generate Industrial Raw Materials and Ready to Eat and Ready to Process Food products by Using Porang (Amorphophallus Oncophyllus) Prof.Dr.Ir.Simon B. Widjanarko, M.App.Sc Agricultural Technology
Prof.Dr. Agus Suryanto, M.Sc Mathematics and Natural Sciences


A. U P T
1. Analysis of Waste Utilization Campaign Management of LPG Alternative Fuels as a Support Institutional Strengthening Efforts on the Energy Independent Unit (Case Studies in TPA Supit Urang in Sukun, Malang) Prof. Dr. Ir. Sanggar Kanto, MS Social sciences and political sciences
Dr. Hamidah Nayati Utami, M.Si Administrative Sciences
Maya Diah Nirwana, S.Sos, M.Si Social sciences and political sciences
Dra.Ima Hidayati Utami, M.Pd Social sciences and political sciences
2. Study of Disaster Management Policy Implementation in Malang Dr. Dra. Alifiulahtin Utaminingsih, M.Si Social sciences and political sciences
Aswin Ariyanto Azis, S.IP, MDevSt Social sciences and political sciences
M. Lukman Hakim, SIP. M.Si Social sciences and political sciences
3. Measuring the hospitality of Madurese (Case Study Over Sumenep’s Local Wisdom Branding Values) Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Darsono Wisadirana, MS Social sciences and political sciences
Dr. Bambang D. Prasetyo, S.Sos.,M.Si Social sciences and political sciences
Akh. Muwafik Saleh, S.Sos., M.Si Social sciences and political sciences


A. U P T
1. Effect of Turmeric Extract (Curcuma longa L) on Diabetes Mellitus: In Vivo Study On Mice Pad Model (STZ Results Induction) Dr.drh. Djoko Winarso, MS Veterinary Medicine
drh.Herlina Pratiwi Veterinary Medicine


A. U P T
1. Professionalism Reinforcement Strategy for Indonesian Women Migrant Workers Candidates (BMI) of Destined Country HongKong Ir. Hesti R. Wijaya, Ph.D Post-Graduate
Prof.Dr.Ir. Keppi Sukesi, MS Agriculture
Prof.Dr. Suhariningsih, SH.,SU Law
Dr. Ir.Yayuk Yuliati, MS Agriculture


A. U P T
1. Design of E-Commerce Applications For ImprovingMarketing Agroforestry Blitar Ir. Heru Nurwarsito, M.Kom PTIIK
Ismiarta Aknuranda, ST, M.Sc, Ph.D Computer Sciences
Denny Sagita Rusdianto, S.Kom., M.Kom Computer Sciences
Barlian Henryranu Prasetio, ST., MT Computer Sciences
2. Design of Expert System to fulfill the Needs of Special Diet Nutrition Patients With Minimal Cost Drs. Marji, MT Computer Sciences
Dian Eka Ratnawati, S.Si,M.Kom Computer Sciences
Achmad Basuki, S.T., M.MG., Ph.D Computer Sciences

Gender and Population Research Center (PPGK) (1)

A. U P T
1. Strategy to Increase Women’s Participation In Food Barn for the Village Community Program in Kabupaten Malang Dr. Ir. Yayuk Yuliati, MS P P G K
Dr. Ir. Sitawati, MS Agriculture
Dina Novia Priminingtyas SP, M.Si Agriculture


A. U P T
1. Model of Watershed Environmental Management Based on Carrying Capacity for Spatial And Areas Planning to Utilize the Natural Resources Optimally Dr. Ir. Bambang Rahadi, MS P P L H
Euis Elih Nurlaelih, SP., M.Si Agriculture

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