As an effort to build well ecosystem for research and community services selection process in Universitas Brawijaya, IRCS UB considers it necessary to prepare professional reviewers. This is due to the increase in research and community service proposals for UB internal funding every year.
“The training is to monitor the quality of research and community service by implementing standardized selection and review process by high profile researchers as reviewers,” stated Prof. Dodi W. Irawanto, the secretary of IRCS UB. In line with the idea conveyed by the Chief Executive of this training, Dr.Sc Lukman Hakim, “IRCS UB wants to increase the number of professional reviewers as an effort to strengthen internal university reviewers”.
The participants carried out a pre-test, in-depth study of material, post-test, and practice of evaluating proposals. The materials were “The Role and Ethics of Reviewers”, “Innovation, State of The Art, Roadmap, Reference in Social and Science Research”, “Techniques for TKT Measuring”, “The Criteria of Journal Articles as Output”, “Dissemination of Technology to Community and the success indicators for community services”, and “Standards for Research Costs and Guidelines for Budgeting.”
The special issues discussed in this training were about the roadmap and researchers’ track record. The two aspects were the main criteria in the process of proposal review. Besides, the standard of research budgeting and its guidelines were the important points to be comprehended based on the rector’s degree.
At the end of the training, the participants had to perform the selection review test in selecting proposals in the SIPP platform. The result of the three tests would determine the eligibility of participants as certified reviewer candidates.