In research and community service activities, policy briefs and appropriate technology are key forms of output. Both serve the purpose of disseminating the results of research and community service efforts to stakeholders, including the government, the community, and industry. This
Read moreReputable Writing Enhances Our Reputation
The written word is one of the most important aspects of academic life. High-quality writing can significantly enhance the reputation of a university. However, it has been noted that the writing skills among the academic community at Universitas Brawijaya are
Read moreAddressing Community Issues Through Community Service Initiatives
On Thursday, December 12, the Evaluation of the Program, Outputs, and Development Plan for the Doctoral Service Program (DM) was held by the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DRPM) at Universitas Brawijaya (UB). The event, which was opened by
Read moreUB Must Lead the Drive for Food Security and Independence in Indonesia.
Food is essential for any nation, including Indonesia. Ensuring food security is a key factor for national sustainability. To create a roadmap for research and community service aimed at improving food resilience and independence, a Focus Group Discussion titled “Research
Read moreCollaborative Workshop on Standard Operating Procedures for Effective Matching Fund Program Implementation
To ensure smooth and integrated operations within an organization, it is essential to have a guiding framework that ensures tasks are carried out consistently and according to established standards. To address the need for Procurement of Goods and Services, especially
Read moreWorkshop Tindak Lanjut Perumusan Pengembangan Rencana Induk Penelitian (RIP) dan Inovasi Berbasis AI dan DT for Nature and Humanity
Pada Sabtu (12/10), bertempat di Hotel Shalimar, dilaksanakan diskusi lanjutan yang berfungsi mematangkan gagasan infuse AI/DT ke dalam topik-topik unggulan dilengkapi dengan peta jalan. Kegiatan ini merupakan tindak lanjut kegiatan sebelumnya dalam perumusan pengembangan Rencana Induk Penelitian (RIP) dan Inovasi
Read moreCYCLE 4.0 Ajang Mahasiswa Mendiseminasikan Peran Mereka dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa
Sebagai salah satu bentuk diseminasi hasil dari kegiatan Mahasiswa Membangun Desa (MMD) 2024, Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Brawijaya (DRPM UB) mengadakan kegiatan Conference on Youth Community Leadership and Engagement 4.0 (CYCLE), pada Sabtu (28/09). Kegiatan yang dilakukan
Yth. Bapak/Ibu Dosen Universitas Brawijaya, Dengan hormat, Dalam rangka diseminasi hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dan meningkatkan kontribusi perguruan
Read moreRector Prof. Widodo SSi., MSi., PhD.Med.Sc : Researchers Should Develop International Networks to Obtain External Research Grants
The Directorate of Research and Community Services Universitas Brawijaya (DRCS UB) organized a Workshop on the Strategy for Obtaining USAID External Research Grants at the Rectorat Building 8th floor on Saturday (10/8). The workshop was attended by researchers, Heads of
Read moreArtificial Intelligence and Digital Technology for Nature & Humanity
In 2021, through Government Regulation Number 108, Brawijaya University underwent a change in status from a Public Service Agency (BLU) to a PTN-BH. It had consequences for the management of higher education. UB currently has 18 faculties with 179 Study
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